MORE about IPA
Our mission is to provide a forum for information professionals to interact, collaborate, and develop solutions that enhance the cognitive security of the US and our friends and allies. The IPA serves as the nexus for information professionals interested in the application of soft and hard science, advanced analytics, and innovative technologies to advance security, prosperity, shared values, and international order through the free flow of ideas and information.
Dear Information Professionals,
It is my pleasure as the President of the Information Professionals Association (IPA) to present the 2024 Annual Report. As you can see from the information in the full report below, 2024 was an incredibly busy year for IPA and our members. A few of the highlights included forming multiple new communities of interest (COIs) across the U.S. At the start of the year, we had chapters in London and Tampa and have now added chapters in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Fayetteville, N.C. The COIs hosted a range of events over the year. The feedback from those who attended these meetings was exceptionally positive. For those who did not have the opportunity, we are planning a series of follow-ups and expect to further grow the number of COIs across the country. Next, thanks to a number of volunteers IPA redesigned its website and added an anthology. I encourage everyone to take a look and contribute. In October, IPA co-sponsored in Washington, D.C., a conference with another non-profit organization called Trust in Media (TIM). A shout out to the Washington, D.C., chapter for the incredible support and volunteer hours.
Over the course of the year, we said goodbye to long-serving board members Paul Leiber and Juliana Pilan; welcomed in two new members, Andrew Whiskeyman and Dave Acosta; and were fortunate to have Michael Williams return to the board. In September, the board met in person in the Washington, D.C,. area. During the meeting, the by-laws were updated, and the strategy for IPA’s next steps was finalized. Among the significant changes to the by-laws were setting term limits for officers, adding requirements for each board member, and the reorganization of the board of advisors.
As we look forward to a great 2025, I am pleased to announce an IPA summit conference in the Washington, D.C., area from September 2-3, 2025. This will be the first ever of its kind, and I encourage all hands to attend. Over the next several months you will be receiving more on this event.
Please reach out to me with any thoughts or questions,
Brian Murphy
President, Information Professionals Association
Michael Williams
IPA Advisor and ex-Executive Director
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