Information Professionals Association President Kevin Gates provided an overview of the association’s accomplishments and previewed IPA’s upcoming activities during a presentation at the Phoenix Challenge 2022 conference in April at the University of Maryland Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS). The presentation covered information about IPA’s most recent Order of Hermes award winner,...Read More
IPA President Kevin Gates presented an update on the association’s activities and invited involvement from the community in IPA’s activities during the Phoenix Challenge 2022 conference in late April 2022. Find the presentation here: IPA_Presentation_PC_04182022Read More
The Information Professionals Association conferred the Order of Hermes Award on Mr. Eric Wallace, former Chief of the Information Proponent Division at the U.S. Department of Defense Joint Staff and IW/EW subject matter expert at COLSA. IPA selected Mr. Wallace based on his career accomplishments spanning more than 20 years in the information field which...Read More