Kate Conger, August 19th 2019, New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/19/technology/hong-kong-protests-china-disinformation-facebook-twitter.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage SAN FRANCISCO — China has adopted Russia’s playbook for spreading disinformation on Facebook and Twitter, deploying those tactics in its increasingly heated […]Read More
Our Take The Kremlin’s operatives are adept at jumping on divisive narratives in the news cycle, with the goal of dividing Americans, noted Director Laura Rosenberger in the Washington Post. The United States should […]Read More
RussiaThe Global Machine Behind the Rise of Far-Right Nationalism | Jo Becker | New York Times (Editor's Note: If you missed this when it ran last weekend, read it now. One of the […]Read More
Michael Rühle, August 16th 2019, NATO Defense College https://css.ethz.ch/en/services/digital-library/articles/article.html/57b662f0-3f49-4d32-9ac2-11e4aa79ffdc Michael Rühle writes that following Russia’s use of hybrid warfare in Ukraine, it wouldn’t take long before the Western strategic community […]Read More
Jack Corrigan, August 6th 2019, NextGov https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2019/08/darpa-taking-deepfake-problem/158980/ The Defense Department is looking to build tools that can quickly detect deepfakes and other manipulated media amid the growing threat of “large-scale, […]Read More
Wired Opinion, August 15th 2019, https://www.wired.com/story/ai-algorithms-need-drug-trials/ IMAGINE A COUPLE of caffeine-addled biochemistry majors late at night in their dorm kitchen cooking up a new medicine that proves remarkably effective at soothing […]Read More
Bill Roche, Army Cyber Command August 7th, 2019 https://www.army.mil/article/225430/summit_helps_chart_way_ahead_for_maneuver_in_information_environment Senior leaders from active and reserve component organizations across the joint force came together to further the development of capabilities for […]Read More
Our Take: Online platforms should conduct takedowns in a clear and consistent manner,rather than in response to intermittent public pressure, Fellow for Emerging Technologies Lindsay Gorman told the Washington Post. To close tempting […]Read More
Christina la Cour, Disinfo Portal, https://disinfoportal.org/governments-countering-disinformation-the-case-of-sweden/ Last September, the Swedish people went to the polls to elect a new government. Before the election, disinformation campaigns had been observed i.e. in […]Read More
What? Russian and China Call on US To Stop Promoting Protests: Stay Out of Our ‘ Internal Affairs’ | Tim O’Connor | Newsweek Fighting Disinformation Commuting To Moscow: Lega Nord’s Pilgrimage To […]Read More