
May 2019
Can the IC police foreign disinformation on social media? May 28 2019, FCW, An altered video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appearing to stutter and slur her words generated […]
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Jamie Condliffe, May 31 2019, New York Times Almost everybody wants something done about disinformation. So why does it seem that nothing is changing? Recently, a fake video of Speaker […]
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US sets up $75 million grant to combat Iranian ‘disinformation’ in Syria Staff writer, Al Arabiya English, May 28 2019 The United States State Department has set up a […]
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Tony Romm, May 29 2019, Washington Post Facebook and Twitter each said on Tuesday they had disabled a sprawling disinformation campaign that appeared to originate in Iran, including two […]
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by Rawi Abdelal and Galit Goldstein Harvard Business School, May 28 2019 Americans continue to discuss Russia’s information operations efforts in the wrong way. We have wasted time […]
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Facebook and Twitter disable new disinformation campaign with ties to Iran Tony Romm, May 28th 2019, Washington Post Facebook and Twitter each said on Tuesday they had disabled a sprawling […]
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U.S. Officials Say Foreign Election Hacking Is Inevitable The Associated Press in the New York Times, May 22nd 2019 The hacking of U.S. election systems, including by foreign adversaries, is […]
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Emmi Bevensee, Alexander Reid Ross, and Sabrina Nardin, May 22nd 2019, The Independent, Computer programmes aren’t going to drag the pencil out of your hand and scrawl an X on […]
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Our Take Russia’s financial tools of malign interference: ASD Co-director Laura Rosenberger testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday, discussing the holistic nature of Russia’s interference in democratic […]
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What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracyEliza Mackintosh, CNN, May 2019 Helsinki, Finland (CNN) – On a recent afternoon in Helsinki, a group of students gathered to hear […]
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Brandt, J., Schafer, B., Aghekyan, E., Wirtschafter, V., & Danditya, A. (2022). Winning the web: How Beijing exploits search results to shape views of Xinjiang and COVID-19. Brookings Institute.
Mankoff, J. (2020). With Friends Like These: Assessing Russian Influence in Germany. Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Babbage, R. (2019). Winning Without Fighting: Chinese and Russian Political Warfare Campaigns and How the West Can Prevail. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
Singer, P. W. (n.d.). Winning the War of Words: Information Warfare in Afghanistan. Brookings. Retrieved April 26, 2024, from
Koerner, B. I. (2016, March). Why ISIS Is Winning the Social Media War—And How to Fight Back. Wired.