
April 2019
Facebook Expects to Be Fined Up to $5 Billion by F.T.C. Over Privacy Issues Mike Isaac and Cecilia Kang, April 24th 2019, New York Times Facebook said on Wednesday that […]
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YouTube recommended a Russian media site thousands of times for analysis of Mueller’s report, a watchdog group says Drew Harwell and Craig Timberg, April 26th, 2019, Washington PostWhen the report […]
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Our Take Foreign trolls continue to target social media platforms: ASD Non-resident Fellow Clint Watts joined NPR’s Sacha Pfeiffer to discuss the various manipulation tactics used by Russian trolls to […]
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2020 Campaign F.B.I. Warns of Russian Interference in 2020 Race and Boosts Counterintelligence Operations | Julian Barnes and Adam Goldman | The New York Times Here’s the Kremlin’s Playbook For […]
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The Straits Times, April 22nd, 2019 China’s top legislative body raised concerns last Saturday (April 20) about a new artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can digitally swap people’s faces. The […]
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CSIS event – May 1st, 2019 – Beyond the Ballot: How the Kremlin Works to Undermine the Justice System Keynote address by former Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff
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After Social Media Bans, Militant Groups Found Ways to Remain Sheera Frenkel and Ben Hubbard, April 19th, 2019, New York Times In July 2013, a broadcaster affiliated with the Islamist […]
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After years of repression, Ethiopia’s media is free — and fanning the flames of ethnic tension Paul Schemm, April 21st, 2019, Washington Post From a collection of modest offices in […]
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Mark Pomerleau, April 22nd, 2019C4ISRNET The National Defense Strategy, the guiding principle for everything the Department of Defense does these days, is a little more than a year old. The […]
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Thomas Kent, April 22nd, 2019The Atlantic CouncilReport here Russian information operations are carefully curated for each country that Moscow targets. For their own citizens, Russian media describe their country as […]
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Brandt, J., Schafer, B., Aghekyan, E., Wirtschafter, V., & Danditya, A. (2022). Winning the web: How Beijing exploits search results to shape views of Xinjiang and COVID-19. Brookings Institute.
Mankoff, J. (2020). With Friends Like These: Assessing Russian Influence in Germany. Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Babbage, R. (2019). Winning Without Fighting: Chinese and Russian Political Warfare Campaigns and How the West Can Prevail. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
Singer, P. W. (n.d.). Winning the War of Words: Information Warfare in Afghanistan. Brookings. Retrieved April 26, 2024, from
Koerner, B. I. (2016, March). Why ISIS Is Winning the Social Media War—And How to Fight Back. Wired.