Rand: Frameworks for Assessing USEUCOM Efforts to Inform, Influence, and Persuade
A new study from Rand describes how systematically planned and implemented assessments are important in ensuring that finite resources are allocated appropriately, that plans can be refined, and that key objectives are realized. The report focuses on U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) efforts, but concludes that the guidance, frameworks, and recommendations can support and enhance assessment design and planning for any organization’s information campaign.
Rand recommends:
- USEUCOM should adopt the frameworks and processes for assessment design and implementation described in this report. This will help ensure that planners and practitioners address the core components of a program, operation, activity, or investment whenever senior leadership requires a progress, performance, or effectiveness assessment.
- Planners and assessment practitioners should begin an assessment design by defining or refining sub-objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
- When communicating results, assessment practitioners should provide commanders and other stakeholders with information about the intent of the data collection and analysis, along with recommendations for using the results.
- Commanders should recognize that high-quality assessment design requires time and resources and ensure that assessment planners and practitioners have sufficient time and resources to implement well-designed progress, performance, and effectiveness assessments.
Download the full report here.