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OIE Symposium Reception

May 9 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

IPA's logo which shows the outline of a human head with a networked brain on the viewer's left. To the viewer's right is "IPA" stacked atop "Information Professionals Association," which is in three stacked lines.

Please join us on May 9th, 3-5 PM, for drinks and hors d’oeuvres at a networking reception following the Operations in the Information Environment (OIE) Symposium during SOF Week.

This event will be held in the Terrace Room at Tampa Marriott Water Street, hosted by the Information Professionals Association (IPA) and sponsored by Madison Springfield, Inc. and Logically.AI. This event is being held at no cost for OIE Symposium attendees, IPA members, and PSYOP Regimental Association members.

Please note that you do not have to register for SOF Week to attend the reception, but you must register for SOF Week to attend the Symposium. Parking during SOF Week is always challenging, so give yourself a bit of extra time.

There are about 70 spaces remaining as of April 30th, 2024, so please sign up soon. Follow this hyperlink to the Eventbrite site and click on the “Reserve a Spot” button for your ticket. If you have difficulty, copy & paste the hyperlink below into your browser, or just go to the Eventbrite site and search for events in Tampa starting with “OIE.”

Hope to see you there!



A map of Tampa Marriot Water Street A diagram of Tampa Marriot Water Street's layout with the Terrace Room in a red circle

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