#216 John Cappello on the Balkan Security Network

#216 John Cappello on the Balkan Security Network

The Cognitive Crucible is a forum that presents different perspectives and emerging thought leadership related to the information environment. The opinions expressed by guests are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of or endorsement by the Information Professionals Association.

During this episode, John Cappello emphasized the importance of collaboration and sharing experiences in the Western United States to combat disinformation and influence social dynamics. He suggested several research areas, including the use of disinformation in the Western Balkans, the impact of disinformation on trust in institutions, and effective strategies for countering disinformation. John also encouraged interested students or researchers to reach out to him for potential collaboration. He recommended the book “Parting the Curtain” by Walter Hickson for a better understanding of the challenges faced in the region.

Recording Date: 11 Feb 2025

Research Question: John Cappello suggests an interested student or researcher examine the disinformation tactics actors use within the Balkan region and which strategies have been successful to counter these efforts.


Link to full show notes and resources

Guest Bio: John Cappello, a 25-year veteran of the United States Air Force, is a founding partner and Chief Operations Officer of the Balkan Security Network (BSN). Specializing in defense and security issues, with a focus on hybrid warfare and information operations in the Western Balkans, his experience includes serving as Defense Attaché in Belgrade, Serbia, and U.S. Air Force Attaché in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Balkan Security Network specializes in defense and security information projects and disinformation analysis in the Western Balkans, providing fact-based news and analysis on these issues. BSN’s content is published across the region. John is also the president of the Halyard Mission Foundation. Founded in 2015 the goal of the Foundation is to educate, commemorate, and increase awareness of the Halyard Mission, the rescue of over 500 US airmen during WWII, and the role the Serbs played in the success of the mission.

About: The Information Professionals Association (IPA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the role of information activities, such as influence and cognitive security, within the national security sector and helping to bridge the divide between operations and research. Its goal is to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars and practitioners and policymakers with an interest in this domain.

For more information, please contact us at communications@information-professionals.org.

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