
September 2019
Daniel Funke, September 12th 2019, Poynter New terms for the misinformation trade The language surrounding misinformation seems to change as fast as the tactics used by the people who spread […]
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  Hannah S. Chapman and Theodore P. Gerber, September 5th 2019, Washington Post Considering the Russian government’s disinformation efforts to polarize American voters during the 2016 presidential election, the […]
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Pratik Jakhar, BBC News, September 7th 2019 According to China, its Confucius Institute is “a bridge reinforcing friendship” between it and the world. But to its critics the government-run […]
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Google’s knowledge panels contain helpful facts and tidbits. But sometimes they surface bad information, too. Lora Kelley, The Atlantic, September 23rd, 2019 Martin John Bryant was lying on his […]
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Christina Nemr and Will Gangare, War on the Rocks. September 20th, 2019 In 2017, Myanmar’s military led a protracted propaganda campaign that resulted in mass murder. Over 25,000 of the […]
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Zoe Schiffer, The Verge, September 16th 2019 A new report from Data and Society raises doubts about automated solutions to deceptively altered videos, including machine learning-altered videos called deepfakes. Authors […]
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Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Cybersecurity Policy, September 16th 2019, Facebook Newsroom Today, we removed multiple Pages, Groups and accounts that were involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior on Facebook and Instagram. We […]
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AFP in France24, Washington DC, September 20th 2019 Twitter said Friday it has closed down thousands of accounts across the world for spreading fake news as well as pro-government […]
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2016 Russian cyberattack on Ukraine intended to cause far more damage than it did. ANDY GREENBERG, WIRED.COM –  9/14/2019, 8:15 AM For nearly three years, the December 2016 cyberattack on the Ukrainian […]
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Our Take The widely varying disclosure standards set by social media companies in some ways serve to confuse the general public, warned Director Laura Rosenberger in an interview with OpenSecrets. One of […]
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Brandt, J., Schafer, B., Aghekyan, E., Wirtschafter, V., & Danditya, A. (2022). Winning the web: How Beijing exploits search results to shape views of Xinjiang and COVID-19. Brookings Institute.
Mankoff, J. (2020). With Friends Like These: Assessing Russian Influence in Germany. Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Babbage, R. (2019). Winning Without Fighting: Chinese and Russian Political Warfare Campaigns and How the West Can Prevail. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
Singer, P. W. (n.d.). Winning the War of Words: Information Warfare in Afghanistan. Brookings. Retrieved April 26, 2024, from
Koerner, B. I. (2016, March). Why ISIS Is Winning the Social Media War—And How to Fight Back. Wired.