
July 2019
Our Take: In testimony to Congress last week, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller highlighted the scope of the threat posed by Russian interference, Director Laura Rosenberger emphasized for NPR and in Just Security. On […]
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April 2019, The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate or This report examines the legal approaches of fifteen countries, representing all regions of the world, to the […]
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Startups and government agencies are researching ways to combat doctored images ahead of the 2020 election Abigail Summerville, July 27th 2019, Wall Street Journal Startup companies, government agencies and academics […]
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Russia Russian Active Measures Campaigns and Interference in the 2016 US Election | Senate Committee on Intelligence  Russia’s Prepared to Interfere in 2020. Will the U.S. Be Ready? | Stanley McChrystal & David […]
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Paul Mozur, July 26th 2019, New York Times A quest to identify protesters and police officers has people in both groups desperate to protect their anonymity. Some fear a turn […]
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Shibani Mahtani and Regine Sabato, July 26th 2019, Washington Post. MANILA — In a white-walled room, a small cyber-army of four is furiously typing. And posting. And clicking. And scrolling.  And […]
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IPA recognized new Order Of Hermès awardees from Ukraine MOD and Naval Post Graduate school.  For outstanding achievement and academic leadership, IPA acknowledged Dr. Hy Rothstien and Dr. John Arquilla. 
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Preface More Cowbell Unlimited recently released a technical paper which presents a holistic Information Warfare Defense (IW-D) Standard.  The Standard may be adopted by any country or organization. The technical paper includes a novel IW […]
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SEC. 218. FOREIGN MALIGN INFLUENCE OPERATIONS RESEARCH PROGRAM.     (a) Program Required.–The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, shall carry out a […]
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Matt Armstrong, July 16th 2019 There are plenty of discussions today, and for the past many years, about “information warfare,” “ideological warfare,” and, more rarely, “political warfare.” While some may […]
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Brandt, J., Schafer, B., Aghekyan, E., Wirtschafter, V., & Danditya, A. (2022). Winning the web: How Beijing exploits search results to shape views of Xinjiang and COVID-19. Brookings Institute.
Mankoff, J. (2020). With Friends Like These: Assessing Russian Influence in Germany. Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Babbage, R. (2019). Winning Without Fighting: Chinese and Russian Political Warfare Campaigns and How the West Can Prevail. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
Singer, P. W. (n.d.). Winning the War of Words: Information Warfare in Afghanistan. Brookings. Retrieved April 26, 2024, from
Koerner, B. I. (2016, March). Why ISIS Is Winning the Social Media War—And How to Fight Back. Wired.