(more) COVID-19 Disinformation

A great summary of the past weeks disinformation and efforts to destabilize the west using the public’s fear over COVID-19 below.  This is from the folks at the Pell Center of Salve Regina University.  You can sign up for their newsletter here.

Here are the top stories we’ve seen this week:


  1. Russia Aims to Stir Distrust in Europe on Virus Disinformation | Andrea Dudik | Bloomberg
  2. Russian Media ‘Spreading COVID-19 Disinformation’ | Jennifer Rankin | The Guardian
  3. Disinformation Meets the Coronavirus | Leo Schwartz | Columbia Journalism Review
  4. China’s Coronavirus Propaganda Campaign is Putting Lives at Risk | Josh Rogin | The Washington Post
  5. Tech Companies Aim to Stop COVID-19 Disinformation | Tim Mak | NPR
  6. Can Russia Use the Coronavirus to Sow Discord Among Americans | Thomas Rid | The New York Times
  7. Instagram Warns of Coronavirus Disinformation Infecting Augmented Reality | Garett Sloane | AdAge
  8. Russia Isn’t the Only Country Pushing Coronavirus Disinformation | Ali Breland | Mother Jones
  9. Beijing Pushes Coronavirus Disinformation in Propaganda Offensive | Chris Zappone | The Sydney Morning Herald
  10. China is Winning the Coronavirus Propaganda War | Matthew Karnitschnig | Politico
  11. How to Spot Coronavirus Misinformation | Nadav Ziv & Sam Wineburg | Time
  12. U.S. Officials: Foreign Disinformation is Stoking Virus Fears | Zeke Miller & Colleen Long | AP
  13. In Fast-Moving Pandemic, Sources of Falsehoods Spread by Text, Email, WhatsApp and TikTok Elude Authorities | Craig Timberg, Ellen Nakashima, & Tony Romm | The Washington Post
  14. Cyber-Attack Hits U.S. Health Agency Amid COVID-19 Outbreak | Shira Stein & Jennifer Jacobs | Bloomberg