Letter from IPA President Brian Murphy

IPA’s new President Brian Murphy shares his thoughts on the future of the organization.

Dear Information Professionals,

I am honored to have been selected as the IPA president. I would like to thank the outgoing president, Kevin Gates, for his dedicated five-and-a-half years of leadership. Fortunately, Kevin will not be going far and will remain part of the leadership team as an advisor. Like all of you, I believe in the criticality of the IPA mission. And as the president, I look forward to working with each of you to help guide IPA as it continues its growth. IPA’s work remains as important as ever because society is at a pivotal moment in time. The organization continues to sit at the intersection of helping governments, researchers, and technology companies come up with solutions to address the continually changing and growing cognitive security landscape.

In the long term, my goal is to establish a world-renowned organization that is the leading international voice on information and cognitive security. Intertwined with this goal is becoming the catalyst for generational change within governments, academia, and the private sector. To get there requires leveraging IPA’s non-profit status to enable a structure that is a fusion point for all three sectors.

To empower the long-term vision are four short-term goals.

1. Formalize local chapters. Connecting regional members is essential to fulfill IPA’s mission.

2. Five-year plan feedback. I want to hear from all of you about what our five-year plan should look like. What does the IPA stand for now, and what is it trying to achieve tomorrow?

3. Fundraising and institutional support. I am committed to continuing to raise revenue. As revenue increases, we will seek to bring on full-time employees. With full-time staff, our organization will be positioned to support the members and stakeholders.

4. Harnessing our collective voice. By expressing our ideas, we will draw in new types of members, attract the attention of policymakers with meaningful solutions, and challenge government, industry, and academia to advance the cognitive security mission.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me: IPA-President@information-professionals.org.


Brian Murphy