IPA Vice President Publishes Research on Using AI to Combat Bots and Adversarial Information Warfare

Detecting botnet signals using process mining

Editor’s Note: John Bicknell, Vice President of the Information Professionals Association (IPA), and Werner G. Krebs, co-authored a new article in the Journal for Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory on how artificial intelligence (AI), process mining technologies illuminated bot activity within a 2015-era terrorist Twitter dataset. The bot logic appears to use information camouflage in order to disguise intentions similar to World War II Nazi propagandists and Soviet-era practitioners of information warfare enhanced with reflexive control. The article presents a future agenda which strings together best of breed techniques into a composite classification algorithm in order to improve the discovery of malicious social media accounts, understand cross-platform weaponized botnet dynamics, and model adversarial information warfare campaigns recursively. The article is available at this link: https://rdcu.be/b9Ot9