Improving C2 and Situational Awareness for Operations in the IE

RAND’s Improving C2 and Situational Awareness for Operations in and through the Information Environment

A great read – RAND’s Christopher Paul, Colin Clarke, Bonnie Triezenberg, David Manheim, and Bradley Wilson latest research.

The information environment (IE) is not a physical place and has not yet been defined as a warfighting domain in U.S. military doctrine. Targets of operations in and through the IE include human perceptions or behaviors: Weapons are ideas, and defenses are norms, beliefs, and traditions. Adding to the complexity of achieving command and control (C2) and situational awareness of the IE is the fact that the DoD has not effectively integrated the IE into operational planning, doctrine, or processes, instead considering traditional land, air, and sea operations separately from operations in the information space. However, every military activity has inherent informational aspects, and adversaries are increasingly using propaganda, misinformation, and other means to influence public perceptions, alliances, and decisions.  Read the Executive Brief

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