Active Measures #12 – A Newsletter of Political Warfare, Influence, and Information Campaigns

Here are the top stories seen this week:
- Russians Impersonating U.S. State Department Aide in Hacking Campaign: Researchers | Christopher Bing | Reuters
- Delay, Deny, and Deflect: How Facebook’s Leaders Fought Through Crisis | Sheera Frenkel, Nicholas Confessore, Cecilia King, Matthew Rosenberg, & Jack Nicas | New York Times
- Operation Infektion | Adam B. Ellick & Adam Westbrook | New York Times
- Russia Wants DNC’s Election-Hacking Lawsuit Thrown Out | Ellen Nakashima & Tom Hamburger | The Washington Post
- You Thought Fake News Was Bad? Deep Fakes Are Where Truth Goes to Die | Oscar Schwartz | The Guardian
- Russia and China’s “Attack on Google” | Harry Pettit & Tim Collins | Daily Mail
- Figure of the Week: 6 Million | EU vs. Disinfo
- OK Google, Why Was Your Web Traffic Hijacked and Routed Through China, Russia Today? | Shaun Nichols | The Register
- Russian Hackers Largely Skipped the Midterms, and No One Really Knows Why | Dustin Volz & Robert McMillan | Wall Street Journal
- US Voter Records From 19 States Sold on Hacking Forum | Catalin Cimpanu | ZD Net
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