Singapore has a Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill to combat fake news. Some reporting may be of interest:
Parliament: Up to 10 years’ jail for individuals and $1 million fine for firms under draft law against online falsehoods
Tham Yuen-C, Senior Political Correspondent, Strait Times, 1 April 2019
Those who spread online falsehoods with a malicious intent to harm public interest could face jail terms of up to 10 years, under a draft law designed to protect society from fake news.
Facebook and industry group express concern over Singapore’s proposed law against online falsehoods
Lester Wong, Strait Times, 1 April 2019
A spokesman for Facebook has expressed concern that a proposed law against online falsehoods here would “compel” it to remove content deemed to be false by the Singapore Government and to push out corrections to its users.
Singapore proposes multi-pronged law to combat online falsehoods
Kevin Kwang, Channel New Asia, 1 April 2019
The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill sets out the tools when falsehoods surface, such as issuing correction directions or, in more serious cases, take-down orders.
Singapore prepares sweeping law to fight ‘online falsehoods’
Ted Kemp, CNBC, 1 April 2019
Singapore is close to passing a law that could force websites to run government “correction notices” alongside content it deems false, and the new rules are likely to affect how big social media companies like Facebook and Twitter operate in the country.
Facebook, Rights Groups Hit Out at Singapore’s Fake News Bill
Reuters in the New York Times, 1 April 2019
Singapore submitted wide-ranging fake news legislation in parliament on Monday, stoking fears from internet firms and human rights groups that it may give the government too much power and hinder freedom of speech.
Singapore to Fight ‘Online Falsehoods’ Through Government ‘Correction Notices’
Charlie Nash, Breitbart News, 1 April 2019
Singapore could soon reportedly fight “online falsehoods” through mandatory government “correction notices,” which would be made to run next to the “false” content. Content could even be removed if it contains any falsehoods.
Singapore Plans Law to Fight False News, but Critics Fear Repression
Mike Ives and Raymond Zhong, New York Times, 1 April 2019
Singapore introduced draft legislation on Monday that it said would combat false or misleading information on the internet, but critics said the measure could be used as a cudgel against the government’s critics.