Set up to monitor and combat disinformation, the UK’s Rapid Response Unit was established last April to monitor online trends, identify issues, and figure out the best way to response, quickly. They secured continuing funding. Read the government’s announcement here and below.
The team monitors digital trends to spot emerging issues, including misinformation and disinformation, and identifies the best way to respond.
As well as real-time monitoring, the RRU carries out analyses of major trends in online government-related discussion, which is used to support the work of the Cabinet Office-based Media Monitoring Unit. Alongside polling, focus groups, traditional media monitoring, and other inputs, this provides government with a better understanding of communications within an increasingly complex news environment.
It is, of course, important to remember that when evaluating the impact of government communications we must look right across the mix of media – papers, broadcast, online – and traditional qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
The RRU will be working with the GCS Accelerate program to roll out training across Whitehall on responding to the modern news environment using the FACT model (as detailed in the 5 Trends in Leading Edge Communications), starting with Heads of News. Please do contact your Head of News for more information, or Fiona Bartosch, Head of the RRU and Transformation.