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Washington, D.C.
Fort Bragg/Fayetteville, NC
Tampa, FL
United Kingdom

IPA’s Communities of Interest

The Information Professionals Association (IPA) aspires to have worldwide regional chapters. As an initial step, IPA is forming Communities of Interest (COIs). A COI is a group of information professionals who gather regularly to discuss information security and cognitive security matters, recruit and mentor the next generation of information professionals, and develop innovative solutions to meet current challenges and prevent future problems.


What can COIs expect from IPA?

  • Global reach in announcing events and presenters
  • Lists of nearby interested partners and current IPA members
  • Engagement with regional and local sponsors
  • Case-by-case financial contributions for events and projects (dependent on scale and impact)
  • Assistance in securing speakers and leaders in the field
  • Responsive answers to questions and insights into topics
  • Send out to the larger IPA community topics from COI events, meeting minutes, discussion recaps, and other achievements


What does IPA expect from COIs?

  • Become a member of IPA. You’ll find professional development, camaraderie, credentialing opportunities, and a professional journal. You’ll also have the ability to network with others in the information field for assistance with career advancement.
  • Locate a place to meet for reading, discussion, and something to eat and drink. Many societies meet in local pubs, restaurants, or community spaces. You might also consider hosting meetings in your home.
  • Choose a time to meet regularly, whether monthly or quarterly.
  • Invite a few other people who might have an interest in learning more about IPA. Explore topics of interest to information professionals to frame a particular evening.
  • Pick a location, send out invites (personal ones work best), pick a focus topic for the meeting and get together.
  • Report back to IPA at least quarterly regarding group membership, event recaps, fund raising, and other accomplishments.


Interested in Forming a COI?

Get in touch! Contact Andrew Whiskeyman at

Want to connect on LinkedIn? Message Andrew here, and don’t forget to follow IPA.


We look forward to starting IPA’s next chapter with you!