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During this episode, Mr. Randy Rosin drops by the Cognitive Crucible to discuss his Ph.D. dissertation and his experiences while on active duty in the US Army. He also compares the different ways that cybernetics has been adopted in Russia and the United States. He asserts that Russian information operations are grounded in cybernetic theory, while the United States opted for a more technological route that has diluted applied cybernetics, which has implications for operations in the information environment going forward.
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Mr Randy Rosin is a faculty member of the National Intelligence University in Bethesda, Maryland who teaches courses in information power, strategic communications, propaganda, cyber threat intelligence, denial and deception, and leadership. He enlisted in the Army in 1979 and served in uniform for over three decades. While in the Army, he served worldwide in senior intelligence and information operations positions. Mr Rosin is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Communications, at American University.
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