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During this episode, we have a wide ranging conversation with futurist, Brian David Johnson (or BDJ). Threastcasting is an innovative, interdisciplinary technique being used by a wide range of organizations and institutions to create actionable models to comprehend possible futures and identify, track, disrupt, mitigate and recover from them as well. Threatcasting bridges gaps and prompts information exchange and learning across military, academics, industrial and governmental communities.
Click here for full show notes & resources
Brian David Johnson is a Professor of Practice & Director of the Threatcasting Lab at Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society, and a Futurist and Fellow at Frost & Sullivan, a innovation company that’s focused on growth. Brian works with governments, militaries, trade organizations, and startups to help them envision their future. He has over 40 patents and is the author of a number of books of fiction and nonfiction. He’s also directed two feature films, and is an illustrator and commissioned painter.
IPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the role of information activities, such as influence and cognitive security, within the national security sector and helping to bridge the divide between operations and research. Its goal is to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars and practitioners and policymakers with an interest in this domain.
For more information, please contact us at communications@information-professionals.org.
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